Posts Tagged ‘helping others’

Supporting Knowledge and Charity

Monday, November 21st, 2022

Did you know that Chopa – Your Kimono Source, donates to charities throughout the year?

We just donated to Wikipedia and we’re feeling really good about it! We believe that knowledge is power and everyone deserves access to accurate information. Chopa is on a mission to help others!

Our donation to Wikipedia marks its 20th anniversary. Will you join us in our journey of helping others? Chopa is committed to making donations throughout the year to charities that help others. It’s our way of giving back to those who could benefit. So far, we’ve donated to causes like Wikipedia, education, and animal rescue and welfare. From now through the end of the year, we will make additional donations to a plethora of causes.

But it doesn’t stop there. Beginning in January, we make donations throughout the year to charities that help others. We seek out causes that we believe give the most to those who will benefit. Sometimes it is a local group, sometimes nationwide. It isn’t about the geography as much as the greater will and ability to help and make a difference. It isn’t just about Christmas time but all the time.

We believe Wikipedia is one of those groups. Wikipedia was founded 20 years ago. Since then, their beloved encyclopedia has grown a lot, through good times and hardships, and today, more than ever, it is serving its true purpose. It helps millions of people study, discover, explore, and research. Each day, Wikipedia gives readers a new chance to acquire the knowledge that is so rightfully theirs, no matter what their circumstances might be.

Wikipedia doesn’t accept ads so donations to this non-profit group are vital to its existence.  Financial support allows edits to be made, and articles to reach new readers; it gives their non-profit the means to stay true to its mission, even as Wikipedia has become one of the most visited websites in the world. Nearly a day goes by when we hear someone mention something they saw or found on Wikipedia. We, as an organization have used it for research. It is a truly valuable resource and one of the few remaining that is free…to everyone.

If you have the resources and feel charitable, now is a great time to look around your own community to find a worthy cause. Because we are nearing the end of year, many charities are running thin on resources and it becomes a great time to help. It also makes you feel good knowing you diod something to help someone else, whether it is an individual, a group or our furry friends.

If you want to go one step further, check with your own office or employer. Many employers will generously match employee contributions: please check with your employer to see if they have a corporate matching gift program.

You can be a part of our mission by simply shopping with us. Every purchase you make helps us give back to those in need. Shop now and feel good knowing that you’re helping make the world a better place! Our online Kimono Shop is open 24 hours a day. Shop our large selection of authentic Japanese Kimonos, yukatas and short-length Happi Coats.

Happy Holidays!  Happy Giving!!


Chopa gives to charity.



It’s the Season of Giving!

Thursday, December 9th, 2021

When you think about the holidays, what comes to mind?

For many people, thoughts of spending time with family and friends come to mind. However, for others, the thought of giving back to those in need is just as important. In fact, many people believe that giving back to charity is one of the most important things you can do during the holiday season. So, if you’re looking for a way to give back this year, consider donating to a charity. There are many great charities out there that could use your help. Take some time to research them and see which one is right for you. And don’t forget, the holiday season isn’t just about giving gifts. It’s also about giving back to those who are less fortunate, have fallen on hard times or just need a little bit of help.

If there isn’t a charity that attracts you, what about your community? There are many ways to give back to your community. and one of the most popular is through charitable giving. Whether you donate your time or money, there are countless organizations out there that could use your help. While deciding which charity to support can be difficult, we find it best to look within. Let your soul speak to you and find a worthwhile project or cause you can help with.

Forbes publishes a list of the 100 largest charities. This can be viewed here.  Size doesn’t matter in our book as it is more about the cause. Chopa donates throughout the year to several organizations. One might be a group that beautifies and plants trees and gardens in blighted areas. Another might be one that helps seniors in need. In the past we have donated to charities that support Earth Day causes, animal welfare and compassion, feeding homeless or even purchasing and supplying books and reading materials to groups that can benefit through  education.

A regular donation is made each quarter to the Florida Education Trust Fund which focuses on technology for schools throughout the state. Staff volunteer one day each quarter to a project in their local communities.  Projects have included building vegetable gardens, replacing and repairing fences, animal adoption causes and a variety of other worthy projects over the years.

One cause that is near to our heart is donating to a non-profit that offers a vast knowledge of information free to the public, 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. This entity is called Wikipedia. Wikipedia was founded 20 years ago and as they say, “It helps millions of people study, discover, explore, and research.”  We couldn’t agree more.  This amazing collection of facts and research offers quick answers to anyone at anytime. Their mission: Each day, Wikipedia gives readers a new chance to acquire the knowledge that is so rightfully theirs, no matter what their circumstances might be.  Donations give the non-profit the means to stay true to its mission, even as Wikipedia has become one of the most visited websites in the world.

Chopa doesn’t normally specify a particular charity or organization, because giving is from the heart. The cause must speak to you. The only reason we mention Wikipedia is due to our passion for learning and allowing anyone else to access their huge database of information.  No matter what group you choose or charity to support, if you have the means, consider this season a time to embrace helping someone. Happy Holidays everybody.


       (image by Liza  Summer)