Archive for the ‘Kimono’ Category

What is an Obi?

Wednesday, July 24th, 2024

If you’ve ever admired the elegant flow of a kimono or the casual charm of a yukata, you’ve likely noticed the beautiful sash that completes the look. This sash is called an obi, and it plays a crucial role in Japanese fashion and culture.

A Brief History of the Obi

The obi has a long and storied history in Japan. Originally, it was a simple and functional piece of cloth used to hold the kimono or yukata closed. However, as time passed, the obi evolved into a significant fashion statement and symbol of social status.

Early Beginnings

In the Heian period (794–1185), the obi started as a thin belt known as a koshi-himo. It was primarily functional, designed to keep the garments in place. By the Edo period (1603–1868), the obi began to grow in width and complexity, reflecting the wearer’s social standing and fashion sense.

The Modern Obi

Today, the obi is much more than a simple belt. It can be several meters long and vary widely in style, color, and fabric. There are even specialized obi for different occasions, such as formal events, festivals, and casual outings.

The Role of the Obi in Attire

The primary function of the obi is to keep the kimono or yukata securely closed. However, it also serves as a decorative element that adds flair and elegance to the outfit.

Different Types of Obi

  • Fukuro Obi: This is a formal obi often worn at weddings or other special occasions. It is usually made from luxurious fabrics such as silk and features intricate patterns.
  • Nagoya Obi: A more casual obi, perfect for everyday wear. It is easier to tie and typically shorter than the fukuro obi.
  • Hanhaba Obi: This is a narrower and more informal obi, often used with yukata. It is simple to tie and ideal for casual occasions.

Colors and Patterns

The colors and patterns of an obi can signify various things, including the wearer’s age, marital status, and even the season. For example:

  • Bright, vibrant colors are often worn by young, unmarried women.
  • Subdued, elegant tones are more suitable for older or married women.
  • Seasonal patterns, such as cherry blossoms for spring or maple leaves for autumn, are also popular choices.

How to Tie an Obi

Tying an obi can be an art form in itself. There are many different knots and styles, each with its own cultural significance. Some popular methods include:

  • Taiko Musubi: Also known as the “drum knot,” this is a classic and formal style often seen at ceremonies and formal events.
  • Bunko Musubi: A simpler knot often used with yukata, perfect for casual outings.
  • Tsuke Obi: A pre-tied obi that is convenient and easy to wear, ideal for beginners.

Why the Obi Matters

The obi is more than just a sash; it is a symbol of Japanese culture and aesthetics. Whether you’re donning a kimono for a traditional tea ceremony or wearing a yukata to a summer festival, the obi completes your outfit and connects you to a rich cultural heritage.

Understanding the significance and history of the obi can deepen your appreciation for Japanese fashion and culture. Whether you’re a Japan lover, a fashion enthusiast, or a cultural explorer, the obi offers a fascinating glimpse into the artistry and tradition of Japan.

Ready to explore the world of obis? Learn how to tie an obi and much more with our detailed guides and expert tips.

Life feels better in a kimono.

Kimono Party!

Everything You Need to Know About Traditional Japanese Attire

Friday, July 19th, 2024

Curious about the fascinating world of traditional Japanese clothing? Whether you’re a cultural explorer or a Japan lover, this Q&A blog will provide insights into kimonos, obis, and more. Let’s jump into some commonly asked questions and their answers.

What is a Kimono?

A kimono is a traditional Japanese garment characterized by its long sleeves and wrap-around design. Typically made from cotton, silk, or other fine materials, kimonos are worn for various occasions, from casual gatherings to formal ceremonies. The word “kimono” literally means “a thing to wear” in Japanese. Unlike Western clothing, kimonos require specific techniques for wearing and tying the garment, making it a beautiful yet intricate piece of attire.

What is an Obi?

An obi is a sash worn with a kimono. It serves both a functional and decorative purpose. The obi secures the kimono in place and is often elaborately tied in different styles depending on the occasion and the wearer’s status. Obis come in various lengths, widths, and designs, adding an extra layer of beauty and complexity to the traditional outfit.

How to Get Free Shipping?

Getting free shipping often involves meeting specific criteria set by the retailer. Here are some common ways to qualify for free shipping:

  • Minimum Purchase Amount: Many stores offer free shipping if you spend over a certain amount.
  • Promotional Codes: Keep an eye out for promo codes specifically offering free shipping.
  • Subscription Services: Some online retailers offer free shipping as a perk for subscribers.

Always check the retailer’s shipping policy for the most accurate information.

What Do Butterflies Symbolize?

In Japanese culture, butterflies hold a variety of symbolic meanings. Often seen as a symbol of transformation and renewal, butterflies are also associated with the soul and the afterlife. In art and literature, they frequently represent grace, beauty, and change. Their delicate appearance and graceful flight make them a popular motif in kimono designs and other traditional Japanese arts.

Where to Buy a Yukata Near Me?

Finding a yukata, which is a more casual version of a kimono, can be easier than you think. Here are some options:

  • Local Japanese Stores: Check nearby Japanese specialty stores or cultural shops.
  • Online Retailers: Websites like offer a large selection of styles, colors and sizes. Shop from the convenience of your own home. They provide quick shipping and orders of $75 or more receive Free Shipping to anywhere in the USA.
  • Cultural Festivals: Local Japanese festivals or cultural events sometimes have vendors selling traditional attire.

Do Men Wear Kimono?

Yes, men do wear kimono, although the styles and occasions may differ from women’s kimono. Men’s kimono are typically more subdued in color and pattern and are worn with a narrower obi. They are commonly seen during traditional ceremonies, festivals, and martial arts practices. Like women’s kimono, men’s kimono also require a specific way of wearing and securing the garment.


Traditional Japanese attire, such as kimono and obis, offers a rich tapestry of cultural significance and beauty. Whether you’re looking to buy your first yukata or simply curious about the symbolism in Japanese clothing, understanding these elements can enrich your appreciation for this timeless fashion.

yellow womens kimono

Beautiful Kimonos

From Tradition to Trend: Do Men Wear Kimono?

Friday, July 12th, 2024

In the world of fashion, certain garments have withstood the test of time and cultural shifts, maintaining their elegance and relevance. Among these timeless pieces is the kimono—a traditional Japanese garment that has captivated the world for centuries. While often associated with women, it’s time to break the stereotype and understand that kimono are not just for women. Men love wearing kimono and yukata too, and for good reason!

A Brief History of Kimono for Men

The kimono, which translates to “thing to wear,” has deep historical roots in Japan, dating back to the Heian period (794-1185). Initially, both men and women wore kimono as a standard form of dress. Over time, the designs and styles evolved, becoming more gender-specific and occasion-based. For men, kimono evolved into garments worn for formal occasions, festivals, and martial arts. Today, they continue to be a symbol of cultural heritage and identity.

Style and Fashion

Kimono for men come in various styles, each with its unique charm and purpose. Here are the key types:

  • Montsuki: A formal kimono typically worn with family crests. Often seen at weddings, tea ceremonies, and other formal events.
  • Yukata: A casual cotton kimono worn during summer festivals or at hot springs (onsen). It’s lighter and more comfortable, perfect for relaxed settings.
  • Hakama: Traditional pleated trousers worn over the kimono. Often seen in martial arts like Kendo and Aikido.

Modern Interpretations

In recent years, fashion enthusiasts and designers have reimagined the men’s kimono, blending traditional elements with contemporary styles. You can now find kimono-inspired jackets, robes, and even streetwear that pay homage to this classic garment. This modern twist makes the kimono more accessible and versatile, allowing men to incorporate it into their everyday wardrobe.

Comfort and Versatility

One of the most compelling reasons men love kimono and yukata is the comfort they offer. Made from natural fabrics like cotton and silk, these garments are breathable and suitable for various climates. The loose fit allows for free movement, making them ideal for both relaxation and formal events. Whether you’re attending a wedding or lounging at home, a kimono can provide unparalleled comfort and style.

Breaking Stereotypes

The resurgence of kimono for men is also a step towards redefining masculinity. In a world where traditional gender roles are continually evolving, wearing a kimono can be a statement of cultural appreciation, individuality, and confidence. It’s about time we break the stereotype that kimono are solely for women and celebrate the versatility and elegance they bring to men’s fashion.

How to Wear a Men’s Kimono

Wearing a kimono properly is an art in itself. Here are some basic steps to get you started:

  1. Undergarments: Start with traditional undergarments like the juban.
  2. Kimono: Wrap the kimono left over right and secure it with an obi (belt).
  3. Footwear: Pair your kimono with traditional wooden sandals called geta.
  4. Accessories: Consider adding a haori (jacket) or a hakama for added flair.

For those new to kimono, there are plenty of resources and tutorials available online to guide you through the process.


From tradition to trend, the men’s kimono revolution is here to stay. These garments offer a unique blend of history, style, and comfort, making them a valuable addition to any man’s wardrobe. If you’re looking to redefine your style and make a statement, now is the perfect time to explore the world of kimono and yukata.

Ready to elevate your wardrobe? Discover our curated collection of men’s kimono and experience the perfect blend of tradition and modernity. Shop our online Kimono Shop today and find the kimono that speaks to you.

mens shodo yukata in 100% cotton

The Shodo Yukata

Yukata vs Kimono: Unraveling the Differences

Saturday, June 29th, 2024

Traditional Japanese attire has captivated the world with its elegance, intricate designs, and cultural significance. Two garments that often pique curiosity are the yukata and the kimono. Although they may seem similar at first glance, each has unique features and historical contexts that set them apart. In this blog post, we will explore the differences between yukata and kimono, their evolution, and how they fit seamlessly into modern lifestyles.

What is a Kimono?

The kimono is a traditional Japanese garment worn by both men and women. Historically, kimonos were reserved for formal events such as weddings, tea ceremonies, and other important occasions. These garments are typically made from silk and come in a variety of colors and patterns, often signifying the wearer’s age, marital status, and season.

Key Features of a Kimono:

  • Material: Typically made from silk, modern kimono are often made of cotton
  • Formality: Traditionally worn for formal events
  • Design: Intricate patterns and designs
  • Occasions: Weddings, tea ceremonies, and formal gatherings

Kimonos have evolved and are now also worn to casual events and even for lounging. The modern kimono can be found in various materials, including cotton, making them more accessible and easier to care for.

What is a Yukata?

The yukata is a more casual version of the kimono, initially worn at bathhouses and for lounging at home. Made from lightweight cotton, yukatas are perfect for summer festivals, casual outings, and relaxing at home. They are simpler in design compared to kimonos and usually feature less intricate patterns.

Key Features of a Yukata:

  • Material: Made from lightweight cotton
  • Formality: Casual, ideal for informal events
  • Design: Simple patterns and designs
  • Occasions: Summer festivals, casual outings, and lounging

Yukatas are incredibly versatile and have become increasingly popular as daily wear, thanks to their comfort and ease of maintenance.

Comparing Yukata and Kimono


  • Daily Wear: Both garments can be worn daily, depending on the occasion.
  • Ease of Care: Modern versions, especially those made from cotton, are easy to maintain.


  • Formality: Kimonos are traditionally formal, while yukatas are casual.
  • Material: Kimonos are usually made from silk, whereas yukatas are made from cotton.
  • Design Complexity: Kimonos feature intricate patterns, while yukatas have simpler designs.
  • Occasions: Kimonos are worn at formal events; yukatas are for casual outings and home wear.

Where to Shop for Yukata and Kimono

Whether you’re looking for a cotton kimono, a lightweight kimono, or even men’s kimonos, there are numerous online stores where you can find high-quality traditional Japanese wear. Some popular categories to explore include:

  • Kimono Dress: Perfect for formal events
  • Kimono Robe: Ideal for lounging at home
  • Long Kimono: Great for elegant, formal occasions
  • Shop Kimonos and Yukata for a mix of both traditional and modern styles


Understanding the differences between yukata and kimono allows you to appreciate these beautiful garments even more. Whether you prefer the formality of a kimono or the casual comfort of a yukata, both offer a unique way to incorporate traditional Japanese culture into your wardrobe. Ready to explore? Visit our online Kimono Shop to find the perfect piece for you.

Life feels better in a kimono.

Elegance Unveiled: 20 Reasons Kimono & Yukata Are Timeless

Friday, May 3rd, 2024

The kimono and yukata have transcended their traditional Japanese roots to become global symbols of elegance, culture, and effortless style. Whether you’re a die-hard Japan lover, a fan of unique loungewear, or simply fascinated by the rich tapestry of world cultures, there’s no denying the allure of these garments. Here are twenty compelling reasons they continue to capture hearts worldwide.

1. Deep Historical Roots

The kimono dates back to ancient Japan, serving as a living canvas that beautifully narrates the country’s history, values, and aesthetic evolution.

2. Unmatched Elegance

With their flowing lines and graceful silhouettes, kimono and yukata exude a timeless elegance that complements any wearer.

3. Infinite Variety

From vibrant colors and intricate patterns to subtle hues and minimalist designs, there’s a style to match every mood and occasion.

4. Comfort Personified

Crafted from materials like cotton and silk, these garments invite a level of comfort that transcends simple loungewear.

5. Expressions of Individuality

Wearing a kimono or yukata offers a unique opportunity to express personal style and cultural appreciation simultaneously.

6. Versatile Wardrobe Staples

Easily transition from a casual day look to an exquisite evening ensemble with the right accessories.

7. Year-Round Wearability

While yukata are perfect for summer with their light cotton fabric, kimonos can be layered to suit cooler temperatures.

8. Celebration of Craftsmanship

Each piece showcases the meticulous craftsmanship of its maker, from hand-dying and printing techniques to embroidery.

9. Symbol of Hospitality

In Japan, wearing a yukata is often associated with the warm hospitality of traditional inns, evoking a sense of welcome and comfort.

10. Cultural Immersion

Donning a kimono or yukata can serve as a profound personal connection to Japanese culture and traditions.

11. Aesthetic Flexibility

Their design allows for easy adjustment, making them flattering to any body type and inclusive to all.

12. Sustainable Fashion Choice

Vintage kimonos and yukatas align with sustainable fashion trends, offering an eco-friendly wardrobe option.

13. Unrivalled Photogenic Quality

Their vibrant patterns and colors make kimono and yukata the perfect statement pieces for photoshoots and social media.

14. Gateway to Learning

Wearing and learning about these garments can spark a deeper interest in and respect for Japanese history and the art of kimono-making.

15. Festive Attire

They’re the attire of choice for festivals, weddings, and tea ceremonies, creating a direct link to Japan’s festive culture.

16. Artistic Inspiration

Many designers and artists draw inspiration from the kimono and yukata, highlighting their impact on global fashion and art.

17. Gift of Meaning

A kimono or yukata makes for a thoughtful and meaningful gift, conveying wishes of well-being and prosperity.

18. Travel Companion

Lightweight and easy to pack, a Yukata makes an excellent travel companion, bringing a touch of luxury and comfort to your journeys.

19. Ensemble Enhancement

They can elevate any ensemble, acting as exquisite robes, coverups, or even unique layers over Western attire.

20. Promotes Mindfulness

The traditional practice of wearing and caring for kimono and yukata encourages mindfulness and appreciation for the present.

In an age of fast fashion and fleeting trends, the kimono and yukata stand out as beacons of timeless beauty, cultural depth, and personal expression. Beyond merely being garments, they offer wearers and admirers alike a way to connect with history, art, and each other. Whether purchased from an online kimono shop or inherited as an authentic heirloom, these pieces are more than just clothing—they are stories woven in fabric, waiting to be told.

Kimono Shop offers a wonderful selection of kimono and yukata.

Celebrate the Kimono

Unlocking the Best Online Kimono Shopping Experience: Our Survey Insights

Sunday, April 28th, 2024

In the quest to provide unbeatable online shopping experiences for kimono and yukata enthusiasts, we embarked on a comprehensive customer service satisfaction survey. Our goal was straightforward: to ensure that every aspect of our service not only meets but exceeds our customers’ expectations. Today, we’re excited to share the insights gleaned from your feedback and the steps we’re taking to make shopping with us even better.

Survey Highlights: A Testament to Quality and Service

Our customers have spoken, and the feedback is overwhelmingly positive. From quick response times to the exceptional quality of our kimono and yukata, it’s clear our commitment to excellence hasn’t gone unnoticed. Here are some of the key findings from our survey:

  • Rapid Response Times: Time is precious, and our team ensures that your queries and special requests are addressed swiftly.
  • High-Quality Selection at Reasonable Prices: Our selection of kimono and yukata are praised not just for their beauty and authenticity but also for the value they represent.
  • Efficient Order and Delivery Process: From order processing to delivery, efficiency is our mantra. Our customers appreciate the fast shipping times and the low nominal shipping costs on orders that don’t qualify for free shipping.
  • Accuracy and Satisfaction with Orders: Receiving what you ordered, precisely as you envisioned it, is crucial. Our survey results commend our accuracy and the overall satisfaction with the received products.
  • The Return Experience: Returns can be a hassle, but we strive to make the process as smooth as possible, ensuring you’re happy with the outcome. Our customers spoke and praised our easy return policy and speed of refunds or exchanges.

Customer Testimonials: In Your Own Words

One of our customers shared their delight:

“I received my kimono today and it is well above my expectations! It’s comfortable, and well-made. I will be back for more!”

This is just one of many testimonials that echo the sentiment of satisfaction and joy experienced by our customers.

Our Commitment to Continuous Improvement

Armed with your feedback, we’re implementing several enhancements to our services. Whether it’s streamlining our shipping processes or expanding our selection, we’re committed to making your online kimono shopping experience the best it can be.

Email and Social Media Marketing – Staying Connected

We understand the importance of keeping you updated and engaged. Our low-pressure email and social media marketing efforts are geared toward bringing you the latest styles, deals, and insights into the world of kimono and yukata fashion. Stay tuned for tips, trends, and exclusive offers that celebrate the beauty and tradition of Japanese attire. Our customers said they prefer deals to be announced on social media rather than emails. We listened and will guide more efforts into social media.

In Conclusion

Your feedback drives us to do better, and we’re grateful for the opportunity to serve you. At Chopa, we’re not just selling kimono and yukata; we’re offering an experience steeped in tradition, supported by customer service that’s second to none.

Thank you for choosing us as your preferred destination for kimono and yukata shopping. We look forward to continuing to meet and exceed your expectations, making every purchase with us a memorable one.

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Follow us. (image by Tracy Le Blanc)

Buying a Kimono Yukata From an Employee-owner Makes Sense.

Sunday, April 21st, 2024

The Transformative Power of Employee Ownership

In an era where the corporate landscape is rapidly evolving, employee ownership emerges as a beacon of resilience, productivity, and mutual benefit. Employee-owned businesses are demonstrating that when employees become stakeholders, the advantages ripple through every aspect of the organization, reaching employees, customers, and the community at large.

For Employees: A Stake in Success

At the heart of employee ownership lies a revolutionary concept. When employees have a stake in the company’s success, they are more motivated, engaged, and dedicated to its growth. This model has proven its worth, as employee-owned businesses often outperform their counterparts in productivity, growth, and stability. Here’s how employees benefit directly:

  • Higher Wages and Net Worth: Employees with ownership typically earn higher wages and accumulate more in retirement savings compared to their counterparts in traditional firms.
  • Job Security: Employee-owners face lower risks of job loss during economic downturns, a testament to the resilience embedded within the ownership model.
  • Quality Benefits: Comprehensive benefits are common in employee-owned companies, contributing to employees’ overall satisfaction and well-being.

For Customers: Elevated Service at Every Touchpoint

The benefits of employee ownership extend beyond the internal workings of a business, directly impacting the quality of customer service and satisfaction. Here’s what customers can expect:

  • Exceptional Customer Service: With a vested interest in the company’s success, employee-owners are inclined to go above and beyond for customers, ensuring a level of service unparalleled by competitors.
  • Expertise and Experience: Reduced turnover means customers interact with knowledgeable and experienced staff who understand the products and services deeply.
  • Consistency and Reliability: Employee ownership fosters a culture of longevity and commitment, ensuring that businesses can maintain long-term relationships with customers and suppliers without disruption.

For Communities: Local Jobs and Sustainable Growth

Employee ownership doesn’t just benefit individuals inside the company; it plays a significant role in bolstering local economies and communities. By promoting job retention and creating a more stable workforce, employee-owned businesses help keep jobs local, supporting the surrounding community. Furthermore, the emphasis on long-term sustainability over short-term gains makes these businesses valuable community partners committed to shared prosperity.


The compelling evidence in favor of employee ownership paints a clear picture of its potential to redefine success in the business world. For employees, the promise of higher wages, job security, and a direct stake in the company’s future fosters a deeper level of engagement and satisfaction. For customers, the dedication of employee-owners translates into superior service, expertise, and reliability. And for communities, the stability and growth of employee-owned businesses ensure local jobs and support healthier economies.

Thinking of shopping with an employee-owned business? Look no further than Chopa – Your Kimono Source Since 1994. Chopa has an extensive selection of cotton kimono and yukata for men, and women of all sizes.  You’re not just choosing a company; you’re choosing a future where every stakeholder has a share in success, building a more resilient, equitable, and inclusive economy for all. As the customer, you gain a great deal of hidden value knowing you are dealing with an owner.

customer service

Why Buying a Kimono or Yukata in the USA Makes Perfect Sense

Saturday, March 16th, 2024

In an era where authenticity and convenience both play crucial roles in our shopping habits, finding the right place to purchase traditional attire such as kimonos and yukatas can be a bit of a conundrum. The allure of owning an authentic Japanese kimono or yukata is undeniable but purchasing one overseas can often lead to unexpected hurdles and disappointments. This is where buying from a U.S.-based dealer offers a myriad of benefits that cannot be overlooked.

Authenticity Coupled with Transparent Transaction

One of the foremost benefits of buying from a U.S.-based dealer is the reputation that comes with it. “I am so happy to find a place to buy a Yukata, especially in the USA. The yukata is very nice,” says a satisfied customer. This sentiment echoes the trust, honesty, and clear communication provided by U.S. dealers that have established their tenure in the market.

Quicker Shipping Without Hidden Costs

When you buy a kimono or yukata from overseas, the excitement of your purchase can quickly turn into frustration due to long shipping times. Furthermore, the added stress of duties, customs, import taxes, and the risk of surprise fees upon delivery can sour the experience. U.S.-based dealers offer quicker shipping and firm prices, ensuring there are no unexpected financial surprises waiting for you.

The Hassle-Free Return Policy Advantage

One major concern with online shopping—especially from international vendors—is the uncertainty around returns. With U.S. dealers, the process is straightforward. Easy returns are a significant advantage, as shipping back goods to Asia can be not only expensive but also risky.

Comparative Analysis


U.S Dealer: Fluent English communication, minimizing misunderstandings.

Overseas Dealer: Possible language barriers and lost in translation issues.

Shipping & Costs:

U.S. Dealer: Quick and no surprise charges for customs, duties, or import taxes.

Overseas Dealer: Potentially long shipping times and potential extra charges upon delivery.


U.S. Dealer: Hassle-free and customer-friendly.

Overseas Dealer: Expensive and risky. Good luck.


U.S. Dealer: Competitive pricing without the worry of additional import fees.

Overseas Dealer: Initial lower cost may increase due to hidden fees.

Why Choose a U.S.-based Dealer?

Choosing a U.S.-based dealer for purchasing an authentic Japanese kimono or yukata makes perfect sense when you consider the convenience, reliability, and transparency of the process. Beyond the apparent advantages such as quicker shipping times and straightforward pricing, the ease of communication and the security of a smooth returns policy add layers of satisfaction to your buying experience.

Final Thoughts

In today’s digital age, where the world feels smaller thanks to e-commerce, choosing where to buy a kimono or yukata can impact your overall satisfaction. Purchasing from a U.S.-based dealer not only brings peace of mind but also supports local businesses that deeply value authenticity and customer satisfaction.

Finding the perfect kimono or yukata in the USA is not just about acquiring a piece of traditional Japanese clothing; it’s about enjoying a seamless, transparent, and authentic shopping experience. Shop for your kimono or yukata at Chopa.  Chopa has been in business since 1994 and stands behinds its reputation for high quality robes, amazing customer service and competitive pricing.

pink cherry blossom yukata in 100% cotton..

February’s Finest: Top Five Best-Selling Kimono and Yukata

Saturday, March 2nd, 2024

February might be the shortest month of the year, but it was long on style at our store. Our customers have spoken with their purchases, selecting five standout pieces that combine traditional Japanese craftsmanship with modern design sensibilities. Whether you’re a seasoned aficionado or new to the world of Japanese robes, these top sellers are sure to inspire.

1. Navy Kagome Yukata

Our most popular men’s yukata makes a solid statement in dark navy blue. The Kagome pattern, reminiscent of bamboo silhouettes against contrasting circles, celebrates old-world craftsmanship and simplicity. This piece is a testament to the enduring appeal of Japanese design, handcrafted in soft 100% cotton for ultimate comfort.

2. Blue Koi Happi Coat

Featuring the legendary koi fish, this Happi Coat symbolizes perseverance and good fortune. The navy blue and white design, made from 100% cotton, serves multiple functions – from a chic bathrobe to a stylish beach cover-up. It’s a piece of wearable art that brings a touch of Japanese legend to your everyday life.

3. Eternal Chain Yukata

Symbolizing eternity, the blue and white chain design of this yukata represents life’s endless circle of hope and strength. Crafted in Japan, this robe is a favorite for its meaningful motif and practicality. This is due to the easy-care cotton and shrink-resistant finish. It’s perfect for lounging or as a cover-up, with a matching belt included.

4. Tree of Life Yukata

A nod to stability and longevity, the Tree of Life Yukata features a timeless tortoise print in a striking black, gray, and white palette. This robe is a blend of tradition and elegance, designed for durability and easy care. Its 100% cotton fabric is machine washable, making it a long-lasting addition to your wardrobe.

5. Dragon and Bamboo Yukata

The dragon and bamboo motifs on this navy blue and white yukata celebrate beauty and endurance. The lightweight cotton fabric is soft and comfortable for loungewear, yet sophisticated enough for special events. A symbol of water, strength, luck, and prosperity, it’s a meaningful piece that doesn’t sacrifice style for comfort.

Why These Made the Cut

Our customers make their preferences known through their purchases. This month’s top picks highlight a love for meaningful patterns, practical elegance, and the unparalleled quality of traditional Japanese craftsmanship.

From Our Happy Customers

“I received the yukata this morning and couldn’t be happier. Great fit, perfect weight. I can’t wait to bring it with me on my vacation next week in the Mountains. Thank you so much.” – A thrilled customer

Key Features

  • Handcrafted in Japan
  • 100% soft, easy-care cotton
  • Includes a matching belt
  • Quick shipping from the USA
  • Free shipping on orders of $75 or more

Your Next Favorite Yukata Awaits

Dive into tradition and craftsmanship with our curated selection of Japanese kimono and yukata. Whether you’re drawn to the symbolic depth of the designs or the sleek, modern interpretations of traditional patterns, our top sellers for February showcase the best of both worlds.

Men's cotton Eternal Chain yukata. Made in Japan.

Eternal Chain Yukata

The Ultimate Guide to Kimono: Answers to Common Questions

Saturday, January 27th, 2024

Kimono and yukata have always been a symbol of the vibrant Japanese culture. These robes are not only comfortable to wear but also add a touch of elegance to your wardrobe. Here at Chopa, we receive lots of questions about kimono and yukata which is why we’re here to answer some more. So whether you’re looking to buy your first kimono or want to know more about their meaning, we are here to help.

Does color have any meaning with kimono?
Yes, the color of a kimono holds significant meaning. The most commonly known colors are red and white. Red is associated with good luck and is often worn during weddings or other celebrations. It also signifies strong emotions and power. White, on the other hand, symbolizes purity, innocence, and mourning. There are many other colors that convey different meanings, such as green, which represents growth and vigor, while blue signifies calmness. It is common to find a mix of colors as well.

Do the motifs and patterns on a kimono have any meaning?
Yes, every motif and pattern on a kimono has a specific meaning. For example, cherry blossom (sakura) is known to represent the beginning of a new life. Maple seeds (momiji) represent sound judgement. You can also find patterns such as cranes, which are a symbol of longevity and good luck. The dragonfly is considered to bring happiness and strength. These beautiful patterns are not just aesthetically pleasing, but also a reflection of the Japanese culture.

How much do kimono cost?
The cost of a kimono tends to vary significantly. It depends on the quality of the fabric, the intricacy of the design, and the availability of materials. A hand-sewn, silk kimono can cost you tens of thousands of dollars, while a more affordable option like cotton or polyester fabric can range from $50 to $500. However, at Chopa, we offer a range of choices that fit into any budget.

How do I wear a kimono?
Wearing a kimono can seem daunting at first, but fear not! The first thing you need to do is to put on the juban, an undergarment that covers your skin and makes it more comfortable to wear the kimono. Western culture often prefers a light undergarment like an undershirt and lightweight shorts or leggings. Then slip the kimono on, making sure the collar sits evenly at the back of your neck. Next, wrap the obi (a belt or sash) tightly around your waist, and tie it in a soft knot. Finally, adjust the length of the kimono and tie the obi in a bow. Voila! You’re now wearing your very own kimono.

How do I take care of my kimono?
Taking care of your kimono is essential if you want it to last a long time. On high end robes made of silk, we recommend spot cleaning using a mild detergent (Woolite) and a soft-bristled brush. For cotton robes, machine washing is possible in a cold water, delicate cycle. The cold water helps preserve the life of the kimono longer. As always, follow the instructions on the tag or ask the manufacturer for recommendations on how to care for your robe. If you do need to clean the entire garment, the manufacturer might recommend taking it to a professional dry cleaner who specializes in kimono and yukata.

The popularity of kimono and yukata has skyrocketed in the recent past, and it’s no wonder why. They exude an air of elegance and sophistication. and there are a wide variety of designs catering to different tastes. Whether you’re looking for a traditional pattern or a more contemporary design, make sure you know what they symbolize. And while kimono may have a reputation for being expensive, there are options available for every budget. If you’re looking to buy a kimono, Chopa has an extensive selection and is here to answer any questions that you may have. So go ahead, treat yourself to a beautiful kimono, and experience the elegance of Japanese fashion.

Gorgeous silk kimono in purple featuring iris flowers

Silk feels good on the body.