Posts Tagged ‘men’s yukata’

One Size Doesn’t Fit All: Embracing Kimono and Yukata Diversity

Saturday, June 8th, 2024

The Problem with One-Size-Fits-All

Finding the perfect kimono or yukata can be a challenge, especially when traditional sizing models don’t account for the diversity of body shapes and sizes. Historically, these garments have been produced with a “one-size-fits-all” approach, which can lead to poor fit and discomfort for many wearers.

One Size Doesn’t Fit All

When it comes to traditional Japanese garments like kimono and yukata, the reality is that one size truly does not fit everyone. The wide range of body types of men and women around the world require a more inclusive approach to sizing. For kimono collectors and enthusiasts, ensuring a comfortable and flattering fit is essential for both aesthetic and practical reasons.

The Solution: Contrasting Sizing Options

Chopa, an innovative online kimono shop, recognized this problem and took steps to offer a solution. Understanding that customers come in all shapes and sizes, Chopa has embraced diversity by providing an array of sizes to accommodate everyone from petite and short-length seekers to those needing plus-size or men’s big and tall kimono.

Chopa: Leading the Change in Kimono Sizing

Chopa was one of the first online dealers to introduce a range of sizes beyond the standard offerings. They understood that the naturally smaller sizes typical in Japanese culture didn’t meet the needs of many international customers. By offering big and tall sizes for men and plus sizes for women, Chopa has set a new standard in the kimono and yukata market.

Case Study: Real Experiences with Kimono Sizing

One of the many success stories comes from Chopa’s early adoption of diverse sizing. Customers who previously struggled to find kimono and yukata that fit well have shared their gratitude. For example, a customer named Sarah, who wears a plus size, expressed her relief at finally finding a kimono that not only fits properly but also looks stunning. Similarly, John, who falls under the men’s big and tall category, highlighted how Chopa’s varied sizing has made it possible for him to enjoy wearing yukata comfortably.

The Impact of Inclusive Sizing

Chopa’s commitment to offering a wide range of sizes has had a significant impact on their customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. By acknowledging and addressing the broad needs of their clientele, they’ve built a reputation as a kimono shop that truly cares about its customers.


The days of one-size-fits-all kimono and yukata are behind us, thanks to forward-thinking retailers like Chopa. By offering a variety of sizes to accommodate different body types, Chopa has revolutionized the way people shop for these traditional garments. Whether you’re looking for a petite kimono, a plus-size yukata, or a men’s big and tall option, Chopa has something for everyone.

Embrace the diversity of kimono and yukata sizing and find your perfect fit at Chopa, your go-to online kimono shop.

koi fish yukata from Japan

Blue Koi Yukata

The Enchanting History of the Yukata Robe

Friday, April 12th, 2024

The yukata robe is steeped in tradition and elegance. This garment holds a special place in Japan’s rich tapestry of cultural heritage. Once used as a functional bathrobe, the yukata has evolved into a beloved summer garment. They are often worn to celebrate the arrival of festivals and warm weather. From the intricacies of its weave to the symbolism behind its vibrant patterns, the yukata’s history offers a fascinating glimpse into Japan’s past and present. Join us as we traverse through time to uncover the evolution of the yukata robe and its significance in Japanese culture.

A millennia after its inception, the yukata remains an emblem of cultural pride and aesthetic sophistication. In this blog, we explore how this simple cotton robe became a symbol of summer and social splendor. We’ll look at its transition from a humble bathrobe to a fashion statement that thrives in today’s world. Whether donned by men or women, for relaxation or celebration, the yukata continues to weave its story into the fabric of Japan’s identity.

Stay with us as we reveal tales of the yukata robe, where tradition meets trend, and every fold and dye retains the echoes of a bygone era. Join us on this historical fashion voyage through time.

The Timeless Tapestry of the Yukata Robe: A Cultural and Fashionable Journey Through Japanese History

The Yukata robe has traversed through centuries, donning multiple roles. From a simple bathrobe to a stylish ensemble, illustrates Japan’s chronicles of tradition, aesthetics, and seasonal festivities. This stylish garment exemplifies both the historic elegance and the contemporary flair of Japanese culture.

From Steaming Baths to Summer Revelries

The origin story of the yukata begins in Japan’s Kamakura period (1192–1333). As nobles took their leisurely steam baths, the ‘yu-katabira’ – a hemp garment worn in bathhouses to protect the skin and absorb sweat – became essential. Later known as ‘mi-nugui’ during the Muromachi period (1336–1573), this garment eventually evolved to become the yukata.

It wasn’t until the Edo period (1603-1867) that the yukata transitioned into familiar territory. With cotton becoming affordable, the yukata stepped out as commoners’ choice of nightwear and relaxed indoor clothing. Paintings from early 20th-century Japan depicted the yukata as casual at-home attire. However, halfway through the Showa period (1926-1989), the yukata embarked on a glamorous transformation, emerging as the go-to attire for outdoor festivals and firework displays, reflecting a societal affection for this breezy kimono.

A Tapestry of Tradition and Trend

In the throbbing districts of Tokyo today, the yukata stands as a testament to this garment’s versatility and continued appeal. Crowds at concerts and events create a kaleidoscope of patterns and styles, flaunting yukatas adorned with contemporary designs and traditional sashes (obi belts). This blend of the classic and the modern showcases how the yukata remains deeply ingrained in the fabric of social and cultural expressions in Japan. Fashion-conscious individuals like Miki Fukagawa, with an enviable collection of over 50 yukatas, exemplify the robe’s hold over the current zeitgeist. Despite the ebb in festivity turnouts due to recent pandemic constraints, the zeal for personalizing yukata fashion continues to surge, illustrating the garment’s resilience as a conduit for self-expression.

The Art of Arimatsu Shibori

Arimatsu, nestled along the ancient Tokaido Road, holds a key to appreciating the yukata’s cultural depth. Here, the traditional art of Arimatsu shibori tie-dyeing has practiced since the Edo period. This labor-intensive method sees more than 70 techniques actively used to produce fabrics with unmatched complexity and beauty. Among these is the tegumo shibori, creating spiderweb designs that demand unyielding commitment, skill, and endurance from its artisans. Each tie-dyed yukata stands as a narrative canvas, narrating stories through every meticulous knot and dyed pattern – a craft not just of textiles, but of heritage and painstaking artistry.


In tracing the historical threads of the yukata, we discover a reflection of Japan itself – adaptive, aesthetic, and deeply rooted in custom. The Yukata robe has withstood the ebb and flow of time, reinventing itself again and again while never losing its intrinsic essence as a symbol of grace and summer enchantment. Whether it’s the silhouette against fireworks in a summer sky or the strategic folds that speak to an ancient craft, the yukata persists, a cherished vestige of the past and a vibrant tribute to the living culture of Japan.

Further Exploration

For those captivated by the yukata’s history and eager to witness the craftsmanship firsthand, a visit to Arimatsu, with its tie-dyeing studios and workshops, is a must. Alternatively, adorn your yukata during the warm summer events and become a part of the ongoing narrative that is this beloved garment’s history. From its humble beginnings to its celebrated place in modern-day wardrobes and gatherings, the yukata carries the echoes of Japan’s past into the future, one elegant fold at a time. Check out the great selection of yukata for men and women at Chopa – Your Kimono Shop.

Color palette of kimonos

Yukata Fabrics

Beyond the Obi: Intriguing Facts about Kimono and Yukata

Saturday, March 30th, 2024

The kimono, with its long sleeves and elegant fall to the heels, is more than just traditional Japanese attire. It is a canvas where stories unfold, virtues are symbolized, and seasons are celebrated through design. In contrast, the yukata is often seen as the kimono’s lighter and easier-to-wear cousin. The yukata provides a simplistic yet profound beauty perfect for everyday wear.

The Artistry and Symbolism of Kimono

Kimono designs are a beautiful collage, illustrating Japan’s rich culture and respect for nature. Cranes, a recurring motif, are not merely birds drawn across silk but messengers of good fortune and longevity. It’s believed in Japanese folklore that cranes can live for thousands of years, earning a revered place in the realms of immortals.

The depiction of flora and fauna in kimono is a poetic expression of the natural world, closely tied to the seasons. Cherry blossoms, or ‘sakura’, signify spring’s ephemeral beauty. While the fiery hues of autumn’s maple leaves gracing a kimono evoke a sense of wistful change.

Further, classic literature and famous artworks are often weaved into the fabric. This allows wearers to adorn themselves with poignant narratives and revered art. A kimono isn’t just a garment; it’s a statement, an heirloom, and a piece of living history.

The Practical Elegance of Yukata

Yukata are traditionally made from breathable cotton or linen. These fabrics offer a comfortable and relaxed option for those looking to wear kimono in a more casual setting. Ideal for summer festivals or simply lounging at home, yukata come with fewer layers. They feature an ease that invites both the young and the old to experience Japanese tradition without formality.

Despite their simplicity, yukatas also echo the aesthetic principles of their more ornate counterparts. The same attention to detail, the flow of the fabric, and the respectful nod to tradition is apparent in the graceful lines and restrained elegance of a well-worn yukata.

The Fabric of History

Is a yukata a kimono? Yes, in essence. It is a kind of informal kimono, transcending age, gender, and occasion. The variety amongst kimono is wide-ranging. From the furisode, flaunted by young unmarried women, to the tomesode, distinguished by its shorter sleeves and worn by married women.

The kimono is not just “the thing to wear” but a testament to Japanese craftsmanship and aesthetic sensibility. The choice of silk, the quality of fabric, and the intricate techniques used can transform a simple garment into an exceptional work of art.

Modern Relevance and Cultural Continuity

Today, cultural explorers and kimono enthusiasts find as much joy in the rich past as in the vibrant present of kimono and yukata. The adaptability of these garments to modern tastes and lifestyles ensures their continued relevance. Kimono-inspired fashion pieces now grace international runways and street styles across the globe. While the yukata remains a beloved choice for casual comfort with a touch of elegance.

Whether you’re a longtime admirer or a new convert to the beauty of kimonos and yukatas, there’s always more to learn and appreciate about these iconic elements of Japanese culture. They are garments with a past, woven through with stories and guided by principles that continue to resound today.

In celebrating and honoring these traditional wears, we not only preserve a significant aspect of Japanese cultural heritage but also promote a greater understanding and appreciation for the diversity in art and expression worldwide.

Join us as we continue to explore, learn, and admire the craftsmanship and profound stories stitched into every thread of the kimono and yukata. And for the men out there who have been captivated by the elegance of yukata, remember there are ‘yukata for men’, designed to offer the same comfort and style with a masculine touch.

Kimonos offer cultural significance and beauty.

Get Your Kimono on!

Unlocking Elegance: A Guide to Kimono Shopping Online

Saturday, March 23rd, 2024

In a world where tradition meets contemporary fashion, the kimono stands out as a symbol of Japanese culture’s timeless elegance. Whether you’re a cultural enthusiast, a lover of unique fashion, or someone looking to infuse tradition into your modern wardrobe, this guide aims to unlock the art of kimono shopping for enthusiasts of every shape and size.

The Myth of “One Size Fits All” in Kimono Fashion

For too long, the international narrative around kimono suggested a “one size fits all” approach. This not only limited access to these beautiful garments but also restricted the experience of wearing a kimono to a select few. Recognizing this gap, Chopa emerged as an innovator in the online kimono marketplace, challenging this notion by expanding its range to cater to diverse body types.

A Size for Every Silhouette

At Chopa, we understand the importance of finding a garment that fits not just your body, but your soul. We offer an extensive selection of sizes and styles, from petite to plus size and big and tall, ensuring that everyone can experience the joy of kimono wearing. Whether you’re looking for a yukata for a summer festival or a formal kimono for a special occasion, our range considers short length, traditional length, and full figure, plus Big and Tall options to accommodate every body shape.

Unveiling Variety and Style

Our kimono and yukata collections boast a spectrum of patterns, from the classic to the contemporary. Sourced directly from manufacturers in Japan who share our vision of inclusivity, we ensure every piece is authentic, allowing you to wear a part of Japanese culture with pride and comfort.

Voices from Our Community

We’re more than a kimono shop; we’re a community of passionate individuals who appreciate the depth and beauty of Japanese fashion. Here’s what one of our customers had to say:

“I wanted to tell you how wonderful my experience has been shopping on your site. The fact that you offer Kimono and Yukata for plus-sized women is so mindful and inclusive. I’ve been searching for months with fail until I found you. Thank You.”

Navigating Your Kimono Shopping Experience

  • Start with Understanding Your Size: Check our detailed size charts to get a precise fit.
  • Select Your Style: Decide if you’re looking for a casual yukata or a more formal kimono.
  • Accessorize: Add obis, tabi socks, and other accessories to complete your look.
  • Care and Maintenance: Learn how to care for your kimono to keep it in pristine condition.


Kimono shopping can be an intricate process filled with discovery and delight. At Chopa, we’re dedicated to providing an inclusive, enjoyable shopping experience for all our customers. With our wide range of sizes and styles, everyone can find their perfect kimono or yukata and carry a piece of Japanese heritage into their daily lives.

We invite you to explore our collection and find the kimono that speaks to you. Remember, when it comes to fashion, especially one as rich and nuanced as the kimono, one size doesn’t fit all, and individuality is the key to unlocking true elegance.

kimono shopping

Why Buying a Kimono or Yukata in the USA Makes Perfect Sense

Saturday, March 16th, 2024

In an era where authenticity and convenience both play crucial roles in our shopping habits, finding the right place to purchase traditional attire such as kimonos and yukatas can be a bit of a conundrum. The allure of owning an authentic Japanese kimono or yukata is undeniable but purchasing one overseas can often lead to unexpected hurdles and disappointments. This is where buying from a U.S.-based dealer offers a myriad of benefits that cannot be overlooked.

Authenticity Coupled with Transparent Transaction

One of the foremost benefits of buying from a U.S.-based dealer is the reputation that comes with it. “I am so happy to find a place to buy a Yukata, especially in the USA. The yukata is very nice,” says a satisfied customer. This sentiment echoes the trust, honesty, and clear communication provided by U.S. dealers that have established their tenure in the market.

Quicker Shipping Without Hidden Costs

When you buy a kimono or yukata from overseas, the excitement of your purchase can quickly turn into frustration due to long shipping times. Furthermore, the added stress of duties, customs, import taxes, and the risk of surprise fees upon delivery can sour the experience. U.S.-based dealers offer quicker shipping and firm prices, ensuring there are no unexpected financial surprises waiting for you.

The Hassle-Free Return Policy Advantage

One major concern with online shopping—especially from international vendors—is the uncertainty around returns. With U.S. dealers, the process is straightforward. Easy returns are a significant advantage, as shipping back goods to Asia can be not only expensive but also risky.

Comparative Analysis


U.S Dealer: Fluent English communication, minimizing misunderstandings.

Overseas Dealer: Possible language barriers and lost in translation issues.

Shipping & Costs:

U.S. Dealer: Quick and no surprise charges for customs, duties, or import taxes.

Overseas Dealer: Potentially long shipping times and potential extra charges upon delivery.


U.S. Dealer: Hassle-free and customer-friendly.

Overseas Dealer: Expensive and risky. Good luck.


U.S. Dealer: Competitive pricing without the worry of additional import fees.

Overseas Dealer: Initial lower cost may increase due to hidden fees.

Why Choose a U.S.-based Dealer?

Choosing a U.S.-based dealer for purchasing an authentic Japanese kimono or yukata makes perfect sense when you consider the convenience, reliability, and transparency of the process. Beyond the apparent advantages such as quicker shipping times and straightforward pricing, the ease of communication and the security of a smooth returns policy add layers of satisfaction to your buying experience.

Final Thoughts

In today’s digital age, where the world feels smaller thanks to e-commerce, choosing where to buy a kimono or yukata can impact your overall satisfaction. Purchasing from a U.S.-based dealer not only brings peace of mind but also supports local businesses that deeply value authenticity and customer satisfaction.

Finding the perfect kimono or yukata in the USA is not just about acquiring a piece of traditional Japanese clothing; it’s about enjoying a seamless, transparent, and authentic shopping experience. Shop for your kimono or yukata at Chopa.  Chopa has been in business since 1994 and stands behinds its reputation for high quality robes, amazing customer service and competitive pricing.

pink cherry blossom yukata in 100% cotton..

Thirty Years Under Our Obi Means Many Happy Repeat Customers

Friday, March 8th, 2024

In an age where the online marketplace is more crowded than the streets of Tokyo during the cherry blossom season, standing out as a go-to source for authentic Japanese Kimono and Yukata is no small feat. At Chopa, we’ve done just that, weaving a tapestry of trust and satisfaction that spans over three decades.

Our customers, a diverse blend of men and women of all ages, return time and time, not just for our vast selection of over 100 styles, prints, colors, and sizes, but because they recognize the unmatched value we’ve stitched into every fabric of our business.

Why Do Customers Keep Coming Back?

Our repeat customers aren’t just numbers in a database; they are satisfied patrons who step out into the world adorned in more than just a garment – they wear a story, a tradition, and a piece of craftsmanship that’s been carefully selected and delivered with care.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

One of our loyal customers shared, “My kimono arrived in perfect condition. The design was absolutely beautiful, and it was a great value. The quality alone is worth more than what they charge. I highly recommend Chopa for your kimono and Yukata. I own several and have purchased more as gifts.” This testimonial isn’t a lone cherry blossom; it’s reflective of the garden of satisfaction we’ve cultivated.

A Case Study in Loyalty

Our commitment to quality and service shines through in the long-term relationships we’ve built. A poignant example is a spa owner who has adorned her staff and spa with our yukata for nearly two decades. Her choice reflects not just a preference for our lightweight, gorgeous, machine-washable cotton robes but an understanding of the value they add to her business and the comfort they bring to her clients.

Beyond The Product

At Chopa, it isn’t just about the kimono or yukata; it’s about the entire experience. Fast shipping from the USA, easy returns, free shipping on qualified orders, and easy care are pillars that support our towering reputation. Our customers understand this, and their loyalty is a testament to our business culture.

Anchored In Tradition, Thriving on Trust

Established 30 years ago, our business is not just a purveyor of fine Japanese garments; we are custodians of tradition, offering authenticity in a digital age defined by fleeting trends and momentary desires. Our customers recognize this – their loyalty is our legacy, and their satisfaction is our future.

A Continuous Thread of Excellence

The emotional weave of every interaction – from browsing to unpacking – is what keeps our customers loyal. Their repeat business isn’t merely transactional; it’s an ongoing relationship built on mutual respect and appreciation for the art of the kimono and yukata.

In a world where everything is temporary, Chopa stands as a beacon of continuity, tradition, and quality. Our customers know this, and it’s why they return, season after season, year after year, decade after decade. Here’s to celebrating thirty years of unwavering customer loyalty. Here’s to celebrating you.

Join the Chopa family today and experience the difference that dedication, quality, and care can make in your wardrobe. Because when you choose Chopa, you’re not just buying a kimono or yukata – you’re choosing a legacy of excellence.

kimono shopping

February’s Finest: Top Five Best-Selling Kimono and Yukata

Saturday, March 2nd, 2024

February might be the shortest month of the year, but it was long on style at our store. Our customers have spoken with their purchases, selecting five standout pieces that combine traditional Japanese craftsmanship with modern design sensibilities. Whether you’re a seasoned aficionado or new to the world of Japanese robes, these top sellers are sure to inspire.

1. Navy Kagome Yukata

Our most popular men’s yukata makes a solid statement in dark navy blue. The Kagome pattern, reminiscent of bamboo silhouettes against contrasting circles, celebrates old-world craftsmanship and simplicity. This piece is a testament to the enduring appeal of Japanese design, handcrafted in soft 100% cotton for ultimate comfort.

2. Blue Koi Happi Coat

Featuring the legendary koi fish, this Happi Coat symbolizes perseverance and good fortune. The navy blue and white design, made from 100% cotton, serves multiple functions – from a chic bathrobe to a stylish beach cover-up. It’s a piece of wearable art that brings a touch of Japanese legend to your everyday life.

3. Eternal Chain Yukata

Symbolizing eternity, the blue and white chain design of this yukata represents life’s endless circle of hope and strength. Crafted in Japan, this robe is a favorite for its meaningful motif and practicality. This is due to the easy-care cotton and shrink-resistant finish. It’s perfect for lounging or as a cover-up, with a matching belt included.

4. Tree of Life Yukata

A nod to stability and longevity, the Tree of Life Yukata features a timeless tortoise print in a striking black, gray, and white palette. This robe is a blend of tradition and elegance, designed for durability and easy care. Its 100% cotton fabric is machine washable, making it a long-lasting addition to your wardrobe.

5. Dragon and Bamboo Yukata

The dragon and bamboo motifs on this navy blue and white yukata celebrate beauty and endurance. The lightweight cotton fabric is soft and comfortable for loungewear, yet sophisticated enough for special events. A symbol of water, strength, luck, and prosperity, it’s a meaningful piece that doesn’t sacrifice style for comfort.

Why These Made the Cut

Our customers make their preferences known through their purchases. This month’s top picks highlight a love for meaningful patterns, practical elegance, and the unparalleled quality of traditional Japanese craftsmanship.

From Our Happy Customers

“I received the yukata this morning and couldn’t be happier. Great fit, perfect weight. I can’t wait to bring it with me on my vacation next week in the Mountains. Thank you so much.” – A thrilled customer

Key Features

  • Handcrafted in Japan
  • 100% soft, easy-care cotton
  • Includes a matching belt
  • Quick shipping from the USA
  • Free shipping on orders of $75 or more

Your Next Favorite Yukata Awaits

Dive into tradition and craftsmanship with our curated selection of Japanese kimono and yukata. Whether you’re drawn to the symbolic depth of the designs or the sleek, modern interpretations of traditional patterns, our top sellers for February showcase the best of both worlds.

Men's cotton Eternal Chain yukata. Made in Japan.

Eternal Chain Yukata

Best Sellers – January 2024 Top Rated Kimono and Yukata

Saturday, February 3rd, 2024

The New Year has brought a blissful air of innovation and tradition with our top-rated Kimono and Yukata collection. The numbers are in – January’s best sellers have exceeded all expectations! With striking patterns, comfortable fabric, and inclusive designs, our customers are finding the perfect balance. It’s a fusion of classic Japanese heritage and modern style. Let’s take a journey through our top 5 best-selling Kimono and Yukata of January 2024.

1. The Mesmerizing Pink Cherry Blossom Yukata

Waking up aural senses with its soft yet invigorating pink hue. The Pink Cherry Blossom Yukata has stolen the hearts of those who value tranquility and elegance. Carefully crafted with comfort as a priority. This Yukata’s cotton fabric lets the skin breathe, creating an alluring fusion of style and relaxation. Featuring delicate cherry blossoms, it’s as if spring has blossomed on the garment itself.

2. The Tree of Life Yukata – A Symbol of Serenity

Acting as a visual poem, the Tree of Life Kimono stands out with an intricate tree design along the fabric length. This piece has resonated deeply with our customers, offering a timeless narrative we all can relate to. The unisex design makes it a favorite for those who appreciate the balance between strength and tranquility in life and in fashion.

3. Eternal Chain – Weaving Stories Through Fabric

The Eternal Chain Yukata continues to capture the imagination. With its rich navy and white canvas and an interlacing pattern that symbolizes an unbreakable bond. This Yukata has become a staple in wardrobes adjacent to narratives of love, loyalty, and enduring strength. Its adjustable belt and generous sizing options ensure a perfect fit for all, honoring every body with the heritage of its design.

4. The Warrior Kanji Seal – Bridging Past and Present

Powerful, yet dignified, the Warrior Kanji Seal Kimono found its way into our customers’ favorites for January. With its bold character emblazoned across the garment, this yukata stands as a testament to the warrior spirit within all of us. Bridging the gap between traditional samurai apparel and contemporary fashion. The Yukata Kimono offers a unique blend of martial reverence and urban sophistication. This resonates with a modern audience seeking to draw strength and inspiration from history.

5. The Iconic Great Wave – Conquering Fashion Tides

The Great Wave Yukata, inspired by Hokusai’s iconic work, surfs the fashion tides as one of our best sellers. Its invigorating blend of black and gray highlights the dynamic portrayal of the sea. This yukata is more than a garment—it’s a statement. Its a celebration of the dramatic and majestic elements of nature that so profoundly influence Japanese art and culture. The rhythmic waves and their serene permanence capture the spirit of those seeking to make a bold, artful statement in their fashion choices.

Filling wardrobes with stories of art, tradition, and meaning. Each of these best sellers has found its place in the hearts and homes of our diverse clientele. Whether you’re seeking a piece to connect with nature, history, your personal journey, or simply to embrace comfort and style, our collection of January’s best sellers ensures there’s a perfect match for you. The start of this new year is not just any beginning. Its an opportunity to step into the future with a nod to the beloved past.

As we reflect on the best sellers of this month, we are reminded that fashion is more than mere cloth. It’s an extension of our identities, our aspirations, and our cultural dialogues. For Japanese-inspired elegance that bridges multiple facets of your personality and preferences, our collection of Kimono and Yukata is second to none. We invite you to explore our diverse range, and maybe, just maybe, discover the piece that speaks directly to your soul. Welcome January with open arms adorned in the richness of Japanese textiles and design.

Eternal Chain Yukata

Why Kimono Manufacturing Has Become a Challenge in Japan

Friday, January 5th, 2024

Japan is world-renowned for its exquisite textile arts and particularly for creating stunning kimono and yukata garments. These traditional Japanese clothing styles are more than just clothing. They represent the cultural history and traditions of the nation. But, Japan is facing a challenge in the manufacturing of kimono and yukata. A shortage of labor and skilled sewers coupled with the rising cost of fabrics due to Covid-19 have caused many businesses to shut down. Plus, the pandemic safety measures imposed by the government have put many other companies out of business. In this blog post, we’ll explore why kimono manufacturing has become so difficult in Japan.

First, let’s discuss the shortage of labor and skilled sewers. The average age of kimono and yukata sewers is around 60 years old. Since younger generations are not taking interest in sewing as a career choice, many manufacturers struggle to find workers. It is also a highly skilled trade that requires years of apprenticeship and practice. Furthermore, the pandemic has brought a halt to training and new hires because of social distancing and lockdowns.

Secondly, the cost of fabric has continued to increase since Covid-19. Many businesses rely on imported fabrics or silk, which has become more expensive because of shipping restrictions. This has caused some manufacturers to cut costs by using cheaper and lower quality materials or find alternative ways to source the materials. Some businesses may have to change their strategy and focus more on the domestic market to save costs.

Thirdly, many businesses shut down because they couldn’t survive the lockdowns and precautions Japan initiated during the pandemic. The pandemic has caused a huge economic impact in Japan, and many small businesses and manufacturers have been forced to shut down. For kimono manufacturers, the cultural significance of the garment may have made it difficult to pivot to more fashionable, modern garments.

Lastly, Japan was under tight scrutiny for several years. Specifically, the government restricted the export of some materials and manufacturing processes to prevent imitation from other countries. It’s not only the manufacturing process, but the silk and fabrics are heavily controlled and monitored. While these measures have maintained the quality of kimono manufacturing, it has also made it difficult for companies to innovate and adapt to changing market demands.

As we have learned, the manufacturing of kimono and yukata has become increasingly difficult in Japan because of a shortage of labor and skilled workers as well as the rising costs of fabrics due to Covid-19. Plus, the pandemic safety measures imposed by the government have put many other companies out of business. Japan prides itself on its traditional textile arts and crafts, and it’s a shame that this art form is slowly diminishing.

However, it’s not all bad news. Some manufacturers are finding success with modern designs and materials that cater to a younger audience. It is the creative minds who will bring the new and old together and create the perfect balance for the future. It is up to us to preserve this distinct part of Japan’s culture by continuing to support its production and encourage future generations to learn and take an interest in it.

Chopa stands by it’s producers and manufacturers. Changes have been made but with integrity and quality at the top of our goal. Materials have been maintained, not cheapened. Locating and maintaining quality, skilled, veteran sewers is a must. We would rather forfeit some styles for a period of time rather than accept inferior. We are grateful for our longstanding relationships and the efforts of our partners. Long Live the Kimono and Yukata.  See our entire remarkable collection of Japanese robes at

kimono sewing business

Sewing Kimonos

Answering the Top Five Questions about Kimonos

Sunday, October 15th, 2023

Kimonos have been worn for centuries. Their unique and beautiful design has captured the hearts of people all around the world. However, shopping for the perfect kimono can be daunting, especially if you’re not sure where to go. Here at Chopa- The Kimono Shop, we’ve been in the business for over 30 years. We know the ins and outs of our products better than anyone else.

We frequently receive questions about kimonos and how we manage to offer such a large variety of sizes at competitive prices. It is our pleasure to answer these for you. In this blog, we’ll delve into the top five questions we receive about kimonos and why we’re your best bet for finding the perfect one.

1. Why is Chopa- The Kimono Source the Best Place to Shop?

At Chopa- The Kimono Shop, we pride ourselves on providing one of the largest selections of authentic, high-quality kimonos in the market. We work with skilled artisans in Japan to bring you genuine Kimonos. Made by master craftspeople and using traditional techniques to ensure that each product is high quality.

Additionally, we offer more sizes than most other shops. All of our kimonos are shipped directly from our facilities in the USA. We cut out the middleman and importing hassles with customs and duties. This means we have total control of quality, and we ensure that each kimono is carefully inspected before it’s shipped to our customers.

2. How does Chopa ship so quickly?

Our team understands the importance of timely fashion. We strive to ship all orders promptly and most ship within one business day. Orders are filled promptly and usually delivered within a few business days to the address provided. We use the best courier to handle your shipment to ensure that you receive your order quickly and at the right time.

Our goal is to offer a secure and reliable shipping service that ensures that your Kimono arrives in good condition and on time.

3. Why does Chopa offer so many more sizes than other shops?

Kimonos are beautiful and offer many benefits. We understand that, at Chopa- The Kimono Shop. Every person is unique, and we offer different patterns and sizes to ensure that almost everyone can find a Kimono that fits. Unlike other shops that offer a limited range of sizes, we offer customers sizes ranging from petite to plus sizes up to 2XL/Wide. This means that everyone can find a Kimono that fits their size and taste.

4. Why are Chopa’s prices so competitive?

Chopa- The Kimono Shop values our customers and wants to provide them with the best Kimono at affordable prices. As a direct importer, we offer competitive pricing while maintaining the quality of Kimonos. Our online store allows customers to shop from anywhere in the country. This makes us accessible to tens of millions of people. Furthermore, all of our Kimonos are made using authentic cotton fabrics that are easy to maintain and will last. This ensures that our customers get their money’s worth for their purchase.

5. Is Chopa a USA-based business?

Yes! At Chopa- The Kimono Shop, we have offices and warehouses in Northwest Florida, USA. This means that we’re easy to reach and communicate with. We are an employee-owned business that has prided itself on offering genuine Kimonos for decades. Our business roots date back to 1994 when we started selling authentic Japanese Kimonos to the Colorado market. Since then, we have expanded our reach to serve customers nationwide, including Alaska and Hawaii.

Shopping for kimonos can be exciting and fun, but it doesn’t have to be daunting. When you shop for kimonos with Chopa- The Kimono Shop, you are assured that you’ll have access to an extensive range of authentic, high-quality kimonos. Our unique assortment of sizes ensures that you’ll find a kimono that’s just right for you.

Our quick shipping, competitive prices, and USA-based business only reiterate that we are your best bet for finding the perfect kimono. Should you have any questions and need assistance, reach out to us via our website, or email, and our customer care team will be happy to assist. Happy Shopping!

kimono yukata shop

Kimono History